Monday, June 8, 2009


"If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it." John D. Rockefeller said this. I have been thinking about this quote a lot lately, because it relates to art as well. Do I want to be famous, or do I want to do something more substantial with my work? I've often confused success with the former, but since moving to San Francisco, I've considered with more focus the purpose of my work, not just for me, but for all those who encounter it. I believe that there is still a role for thoughtful images, and I hope to create some. So, while much of the content of my work is about my own personal challenges, questions and sensibilities, I intend to convey these things in a manner that makes them accessible and meaningful to others. Maybe a more concise way of stating my general goal is that I intend to influence people's consciousness. It's not the same thing as "social activist" art or interactive art in the way this term is normally used, but I think it can still be as significant. The next question is: "in what way do I intend to influence people's consciousness"? This is a tougher question than how I define success or whether or not images are still powerful enough to make a difference. It's a question that only arises if you believe that images have power and that artists have a choice in the matter, both of which I do believe...but I'll have to get back to this a little later.

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