Wednesday, December 16, 2009

better images of new work

the struggle to find peace in a threatening world


  1. these trigger the word "thicket" for me. a person gets lost in thickets, but these show ways out, glimpses of what's above/beyond the thicket.

    the diptych's my favorite (admitting, though, that choosing favorite is a dumb exercise). why? most tragic looking--with the upper-right (cloud-like) looming (in what seems like the distance). The left-side and the bottom's density contrasts with the bottom (relative) openness of the others.

  2. thanks! well, the diptych is the largest work of this series to date, so i'm glad you like it. it was a tough one. many of these are, really, because i think they're going in one direction and before i know it i'm going somewhere else. strangely, though, they do end up more or less where i wanted...they just don't always appear the way i initially envisioned them. the title of the diptych is "The Field", so you aren't far off.
